Mathew Newton

Paintings for Hospitals

Paintings for Hospitals, Galleri 1, Uppsala, April 2010.




















Between Saturday 3rd April and Sunday 18th April, Galleri Ett became a brightly coloured play-doh miniature cave, a stalactite growing experiment, melancholic disembodied portraits, egg and sperm bean-bags, ghosts on mirrors, cryogenic freezing tests and marbled paper collages of internal organs.

Drip-drop-tick-tock, 2010, painted wood, pyrex beakers, cotton, washing soda, water

“Because hell is too hot”, 2010, inkjetprint (x 2, A6 size),3 postcards from the Gustavianum museum

I thought I knew myself, but you see right through me (1-3), 2010, collages with marbeled paper

Bath (1, 3 & 4), 2008, acrylic and enamel on mirrors

Play-doh Cave, 2010, Play-doh, cigarbox, torch, table, graphite on paper

1 + 1 = 3 = 1, 2010, beanbag and two cushions

Here’s a review (in Swedish) from Sebastian Johans for UNT , I think it’s good… UNT

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